Find plants for every European climate zone

4 climatic macro areas of Europe


The Mediterranean climate is characterized by hot, dry summers and mild, rainy winters. This zone includes the southern coasts of Europe, such as Italy, Spain, Greece, and parts of France.


The continental climate is found in the interior areas of Europe, far from the mitigating influence of the sea. This climate is characterized by cold, snowy winters and hot summers. Areas such as Germany, Poland, and Eastern Europe fall into this category. Here, plants need to be resilient to the winter cold.


The Atlantic, or oceanic, climate is prevalent along the western coasts of Europe, such as in the United Kingdom, western France, and northern Spain. This climate is characterized by moderate temperatures throughout the year, with cool summers and mild winters, and abundant precipitation.


The mountain climate is found in high-altitude regions, such as the Alps, the Pyrenees, and the Carpathians. This climate is characterized by long, harsh winters with heavy snowfall, and cool, short summers.

Exceptions and microclimates

The 4 climatic macro areas of Europe are indicative and serve as a guide to understanding the various climatic conditions that can be encountered in Europe.

In addition to the four main climatic macro areas, Europe has numerous exceptions and microclimates due to various factors. Urbanized areas often create urban heat islands, where temperatures can be significantly higher than in the surrounding rural areas. Mountains can have a wide range of microclimates depending on altitude, sun exposure, and prevailing wind directions. Furthermore, small pockets of unique climates can be found in sheltered valleys, along specific coastlines, or near bodies of water, creating conditions that differ from the surrounding regions. 

These microclimates can significantly influence the local flora and fauna, as well as the choice of plants for gardens, balconies, terraces, and urban green spaces.