Proven Winners® plant breeding process

How we choose our plants at Proven Winners®

Discovering or developing new varieties is very difficult and creating a new or better variety often requires years of hard work or a stroke of luck.
At Proven Winners®, we collaborate with top plant breeders from all over the world to create unique, innovative varieties with improved resistance and performance. We guarantee premium quality through a range of tests and trials performed in different climatic conditions. 

Proven Winners’ recipe

Healthy material is the cornerstone of success. The plants we select are grown under optimal conditions either in labs or in strictly controlled greenhouses to guarantee top quality and perfect health.

Did you found a new or improved variety, then what?

For many top breeders, the answer is to contact Proven Winners®.

Plant breeder contact:

EUROPE: Winfried Hohmann, 

USA: Kevin A. Hurd,,
Director of New Products Proven Winners
C: 512-539-6707