Katere so najboljše rastline za celoletno gojenje?

Celoletni vrtni užitki

Spremenite svoj vrt v živahno oazo, ki uspeva v vseh letnih časih. Razmislite o trajnicah, kot sta hibiskus in gaura, ki barvito cvetijo od pomladi do jeseni. Z zimzelenimi grmovnicami, kot sta Ilex in Viburnum, ohranite zelenje tudi pozimi. Z vključevanjem različnih rastlin boste zagotovili, da bo čar vašega vrta ostal vse leto in vam bo zagotavljal stalen vir veselja in naravne lepote.

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Večne vrtne lepotice: izvrsten trio


Lollipop Pink Improved, a stunning perennial, boasts vibrant pink flowers on delicate stems. With its compact size and prolonged blooms, it’s a garden favourite for adding elegance.


With its abundant double soft pink blooms and variegated creamy-white and green foliage, this plant shines in your garden all summer long. Plus, it’s frost-resistant for year-round appeal!


Experience the charm – with large flowers on compact stems, boasting an impressive lifespan. Well-suited for 13-20 cm pots, it’s a resilient addition to any garden.

Pravi zimzeleni


Strongbux by Proven Winners® presents the perfect alternative to boxwood, boasting a naturally rounded, dense form that suits small gardens. This evergreen beauty, frost-resistant to -25°C, can be pruned into any desired shape, making it a versatile and hardy choice for year-round greenery.


Bright pink flowers adorn this low-growing plant in spring. But its evergreen foliage also provides color throughout the year with its beautiful shiny silver-variegated leaves and dark green ones.

Odpornost v vseh letnih časih: odporne rastline za vaš vrt



Discover the striking beauty of Calycanthus Aphrodite. This very hardy plant has beautiful glossy leaves and large magenta red, magnolia-like flowers. Blooms all summer long with wonderfully fragrant flowers!


These low-maintenance, frost resistant plants offer vibrant leaves and are excellent choices for adding beauty to your garden. With vibrant red new growth, fiery autumn foliage and bright yellow flowers from summer into autumn, they offer year-round beauty.


Sweet Emotion enchants with fragrant white and pink spring blooms resembling jasmine. Its hardy nature, glossy green leaves transitioning to autumnal orange-red and frost resistance to -25°C make it an irresistible addition to your garden. Remember to prune for desired shape post-flowering.

Tri rastline za vse letne čase


An exceptional ornamental grass, boasting robust disease and drought resistance. Its striking purple-green spiky leaves make it perfect for open spaces and it is ideally placed at the back in mixed arrangements.


This exceptional compact Viburnum features thick, glossy dark green foliage with a striking red margin. As a semi-evergreen, it transitions to a rich red in autumn. Cold-hardy down to -25°C.


A distinctive beauty, featuring burgundy clover-shaped leaves and delicate white summer blooms. Thriving in partial shade, it’s an excellent addition for captivating early summer and autumn colour.

Nasveti za celoletno vrtnarjenje



Ensure your flowers receive regular and sufficient watering to prevent drought stress and promote continuous blossoming.



Curate a garden with a variety of flowering plants that bloom in different seasons, ensuring year-round floral beauty.



Rotate flowering plants to preserve soil health and enjoy a consistent display of blossoms throughout the year.

Želite ustvariti vrt, ki bo očaral vse leto, ne glede na letni čas ali vremenske razmere? Poiščite Proven Winners®, zaupanja vredno ime v vrtnarstvu, ki ponuja raznolik izbor zimzelenih grmovnic, ki bodo vašemu vrtu prinesle lepoto in trajnost, ne glede na podnebje.

Podjetje Proven Winners® razume željo po nenehno spreminjajočem se, živahnem vrtu. S skrbno izbranim izborom zimzelenih grmovnic in trajnic lahko v slikovitem vrtu uživate vse leto.

Naše zimzelene grmovnice so temelj celoletnega vrtnarjenja. Te odporne rastline ohranijo svoje liste vse leto ter zagotavljajo stalno strukturo, barvo in teksturo. Ne glede na to, ali jih sadite kot živo mejo, osrednje točke ali pokrov tal, vas bodo zimzelene grmovnice Proven Winners®zagotovo navdušile s svojo vsestranskostjo in trajnim šarmom.

Za dodatno barvno popestritev in raznolikost v svoj vrt vključite enoletne rastline. Te rastline zaključijo svoj življenjski cikel v eni sezoni, vendar ponujajo obilico živahnih cvetov. Vsako leto eksperimentirajte z različnimi enoletnicami, da bo vaš vrt svež in zanimiv.

Z zimzelenimi grmovnicami, trajnicami in enoletnicami Proven Winners®bo vaš vrt postal celoletno svetišče z bogato tapiserijo barv, tekstur in oblik. Ne glede na to, ali se soočate z žgočimi poletji ali mrzlimi zimami, naš izbor zimzelenih grmovnic, trajnic in enoletnic, ki so odporne na sušo, zagotavlja, da bo vaš vrt vse leto vir navdiha in veselja. Gojite lepoto in trajnost z izdelki Proven Winners® in izkusite vrtnarjenje v najboljši luči.