Cvetje in rastline, idealne za pomlad

Prihaja pomlad - uživajte v vrtnarjenju!

Cvetoči grmi, nežni poganjki, brsteči popki, zeleni listi in pisani cvetovi - spet je sezona vrtnarjenja! Toplo sonce in kratki nalivi zagotavljajo popolne pogoje za spomladansko rast... in za naše uživanje v vrtičkanju na vrtu, balkonu ali terasi. Kliknite tukaj za odlične nasvete in navdih:

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Katere rože je najbolje saditi spomladi?

Sunsatia®™ plus anona

Sunsatia®™ are the ideal varieties for the beginning of the season. Resistant to bad weather and temperature fluctuations, they maintain a stable performance from the beginning of the season to summer with a very rich flowering. Ideal for trays, balconies and flower beds.

Waikiki pink

This new carnation will add an elegant touch of bright magenta to containers and flower beds. Although happy in any situation, it will perform best in semi-shade!

Odlična zmogljivost cvetja

Si želite belega cveta, vendar z odličnimi cvetnimi lastnostmi? Naša najljubša sorta je ena izmed naših najbolj nagrajenih sort, Snow Princess, ki je prekrita z množico majhnih snežno belih cvetov z vonjem po medu. Cveti vse poletje in se dobro obnese tudi pri visokih temperaturah. Močno raste in se lahko razširi do enega metra. Primerna je za balkone, sklede, gredice in košare, saj je sama po sebi videti čudovito, v kombinaciji z drugimi rastlinami pa naravnost fantastično.

Odkrijte več

Katere so najboljše cvetoče grmovnice za pomlad?

Yuki cherry blossom®

This deutzia shows off a springtime coat of lovely pink flowers, while in autumn its leaves turn burgundy. Although perfect for spring ground cover, it will equally make an eye-catching specimen in containers, on its own or with other small shrubs.

Mango storm®

True to its name, this exuberant, thornless quince will brighten up your garden with a spectacular display of large, soft-orange double flowers in early spring and again in early summer. It’s easy to maintain and its branches are also great for cut flowers.

Revontuli® mound

A real innovation in the world of perennial dwarf chokeberries, Revontuli has a unique, compact habit. Its white flower panicles blossom in spring, while in autumn its foliage turns bright red. A real sight all year round!

3 spomladanske rastline Proven Winners®



Not much can rival the Sunsatia®™ range when in full bloom. A real joy to behold in either summer baskets or trailing balcony boxes.

Tiny wine®

A ninebark easy to fall in love with, and not just in spring! The branches swathed in white-pink flowers form a wonderful contrast set against its dark-purple leaves.

Breezee® plus

A uniform, weather-resistant cloud of flowers. Ideal baskets, tubs and pots also in combination with other Breezee®.

Želite to pomlad na svoj vrt, balkon ali teraso vnesti barvni pridih? Oglejte si naš izbor spomladanskega cvetja! Pri Proven Winners® lahko najdete različne enoletne in trajne rastline, ki bodo polepšale vaš vrt, kjer koli jih boste postavili.

Če potrebujete popolne rastline za svoj zeliščni rob, poiščite našo edinstveno ponudbo. Izbrane so tako, da se bodo odlično obnesle dolga leta.

Zakaj čakati? Začnite saditi takoj in se pripravite na čudovit spomladanski vrt s Proven Winners® - vašimi certificiranimi strokovnjaki za rastline!

Pomlad prinaša svoje izzive, zato je pomembno, da spomladansko cvetje skrbno izberete, pa naj gre za vrt, balkon ali teraso. Tukaj je nekaj napotkov, ki vam bodo pomagali pri začetku:

Izberite rože, ki cvetijo zgodaj, da bo vaš vrt videti čudovito takoj po prihodu pomladi.

Pazljivo izberite, kam jih boste posadili. Ne glede na to, ali boste rože posadili na vrt ali na balkon ali teraso, bodo potrebovale ustrezno količino sonca in vlage. Izberite rastline, ki dobro uspevajo v pogojih, ki jih lahko ponudite.

Trajnice posadite v zeliščni rob - nagrajeni boste z dolgoletnimi čudovitimi razstavami.

Ključne lastnosti spomladanskega cvetja in rastlin



Spring plants need to be able to withstand the changing weather conditions and temperature swings that come with the season.

Low maintenance

Low maintenance

Choosing low-maintenance plants in spring will help you to ease into the more labour-intensive gardening season.

Early blooming

Early blooming

It’s best to choose plants that flower early in the season, adding a splash of colour to your garden while the other plants still lie dormant.